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When you take out a mortgage to buy a home, you’ll be faced with a lot of choices. One of those choices is whether to pay mortgage points or not. Mortgage points are a type of fee that you can pay to your lender at closing in exchange for a lower interest rate on your… Read more »

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As we age, many of us begin to worry about retirement and how we will finance it. For some seniors, reverse mortgages can be a useful tool to help fund their retirement. However, before deciding to apply for a reverse mortgage, it’s essential to understand the eligibility requirements and application process. In this blog post,… Read more »

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A reverse mortgage is a type of loan that allows homeowners who are at least 62 years old to borrow against the equity in their homes. Unlike a traditional mortgage, the borrower does not need to make monthly payments on the loan. Instead, the loan is paid back when the borrower moves out of the… Read more »

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As you approach retirement or are already retired, you may find yourself looking for ways to supplement your income. One option you may have heard of is a reverse mortgage. With a reverse mortgage, homeowners aged 62 or older can convert their home’s equity into cash. This loan is unlike a traditional mortgage because borrowers… Read more »

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As seniors approach retirement, many find themselves facing the challenge of managing limited income and rising expenses. A reverse mortgage is a way for homeowners with built-up equity to access that equity and supplement their income. However, choosing the right reverse mortgage plan can be a complex decision that requires careful consideration of various factors…. Read more »

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Reverse mortgages provide seniors access to home equity in retirement, but mismanagement risks foreclosure and loss of equity. This post details five strategies for avoiding reverse mortgage foreclosure and safeguarding home equity. Strategy #1: Understand the Terms of Your Reverse Mortgage The first strategy to avoid reverse mortgage foreclosure is to make sure you understand… Read more »